‎"Don't dwell on the past. Don't get lost in ideas of the future. Focus on the past and how you can improve your future."

07 December 2011

Find your Bliss

What is something you love to do?  Something that makes you more happy, more relaxed than anything else in the world?  Something you do by yourself to relax, put your mind at ease?  I think it is essential that we all have something we love, that we do several times a week, or whenever it's needed.  For me, it's swimming.  When I'm in a pool, I feel like I am flying, I could stay in a pool for hours, and when I get out, I feel like I could take on anything.  I feel strong, invincible, calm and happy.  When I'm swimming, nothing else is going through my head.  I'm just one with the water, almost like I'm meditating, but I'm not.   So my challenge to you today, is to find what you love, and move towards it.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

28 November 2011

accidents happen...

So, something I've learned lately, is that sometimes, you really have no control.  Sometimes accidents happen, and there is nothing we can do about it.  The point is, when those accidents happen, you deal with it, bandage it up, and move on, better and braver than you were before.  We can't always stop everything bad from happening, but we can choose to not inflict anything bad on ourselves intentionally.  We get upset with every little accident, but it doesn't bother us in the slightest when we cause harm to ourselves.  Why is that?

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19 November 2011

You can be my anti-drug, and I can be your verb. Together lets be actions words!

So today, as we look in the mirrors, the goal is to think about someone besides ourselves.  Take a moment, as you look at your face, and think of who gives you a reason to get better.  Who do you want to heal for, besides you?  As I look at me today, I think of my little daughter.  I think, when she's ten years old, I don't want her to start picking her face, or arms.  I don't want her to say, "mommy, why is there always an owie on your face?"  Today I am going to let my love for her motivate me to be better.  Think of a person that you would do anything for, and do it for them.  Sometimes just doing something for yourself doesn't hit home hard enough.   Think of a person you care enough for, that it would break your heart if they cried for you, and then don't let them.

14 November 2011

liquid bandaids....what I need is liquid courage

So I've been thinking lately, I'm afraid to kick my problem.  I feel like I have slowly begun to define myself by it.  I'm just that picking girl, the one with the scars.  I think I'm afraid of who I will be without it.  What is it like to just be beautiful without bandaids? What will I do instead? How will I fill these countless hours that for over a decade, have been spent picking, and scratching at myself? How do I start from scratch?

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09 November 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends....DAY FIVE

Maria Mills.....my amazing cousin in-law, I just want to say thank you for encouraging me the other day.  You have no idea what your kind words meant to me.  If you can, please keep up with it! Sometimes just a simple little message can make a world of difference, just knowing that someone believes in me, makes me suddenly believe in myself. 

Today I want you to think about someone besides you.  Take a day and stop thinking about you, your picking, or any of your other problems.  I want you to stop and encourage someone.  It doesn't need to be someone you know really well, it could just be a random stranger at the local K-Mart.  Just stop, and say something encouraging to them, show them God loves them, and so do you. You will be surprised how much of an impact it will have.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
-Hebrews 10: 24-25  

07 November 2011

Some strange kind of motivation

So I can't help but notice that when I haven't blogged in a while, I sort of lose my focus.  It's almost as though blogging gets stuff off my chest.  Stuff that weighs heavy, though it's undefined, still clutters up all the tiny places in my mind.  This week I've learned something valuable...terrifying though it may seem, I plan to use it to change me.  I am completely out of control.  The harder I try, the less I succeed.  It's almost like I'm fighting against myself.  I want so bad to feel better, to look better, to be better, but despite my efforts, I just can't overcome it.  A friend of mine related it to quitting cigarettes.  You have to really want it.  Well that's all fine and good, because I want it, I can feel myself wanting it, deep in the pit of my gut, but it's not seeming to work.  I could use some encouragement this week.   I wish I had all the time in the world, because if I did, I would spend it on my knees in prayer, and petition, for healing, for grace.  For forgiveness.  I think we all have little triggers, tiny little things that set us into a downward spiral.  This week, I've come face to face with mine.  Little old me against Goliath, and Goliath is in the lead.  So here goes nothing....let's get the stone and sling.

02 November 2011


So today I did something I don't usually do.  I know, I know, it's crazy, but I went to the doctor.  I told her that I need a psych referral.  I finally decided to ask for help.  I've tried so many things, different tactics, tricks, and remedies, but nothing is working.  I decided to ask for help.  There is nothing wrong with asking for help, people.  Honestly, sometimes when you are at your lowest is when you are your strongest. So today, when you think you can't do this alone, when you've finally found that you're not strong enough to fix yourself, take a second, and ask for help.  No one will think any less of you if you do.  Remember, God will bless the humble and weak in spirit. Oh, and by the way, that means you, too.

30 October 2011

Two Steps Forward and Three Steps Back

I think today was one of those days where I let my mind wander from the goal at hand.  It was so close, yet, so far.  I had been on the path to recovery for almost a week, when all of a sudden, I found myself giving in to it.  As I put a bandaid on my face, I remind myself that it's an up hill journey.  God didn't intend for life to be easy, he gave us faults, and imperfections for a reason.   If life were always a walk in the park, what would we have to refine us?  Diamonds are only made through the hottest of fires, and they become the hardest, most precious stone.  I'm only praying that's what my ups and downs will do to me.  I want to be a diamond in a world of coal.  Don't you? 

28 October 2011


How often do you look in a mirror?  If you're a girl, it's probably a lot.  If you're a guy, maybe you don't as much, but you probably still do every once in a while.  Today, we are going to try a different challenge.  I want you to forget.  Forget about all those little things on your body you pick at.  Don't look at them, or focus on them in the mirror.  If you have to look in the mirror, don't lean in and study yourself.   Look at yourself from a distance, and notice the good qualities about yourself.  Notice the color of your eyes, the pink in your cheeks, your smile, your freckles, or dimples, or whatever it is that makes you, you. Take a moment, and look at your wounds, are they healing yet?  How do you feel about that?  If you find yourself criticizing yourself, or thinking negative things, walk away from the mirror.  Just take yourself out of the room, away from the mirror.  Go do something else.  Do this whenever you're washing your hands, brushing your teeth, shaving, or checking your make-up.  I think you'll find that it gets easier, and easier every time you do it.  And each time, you'll probably see something you didn't see before.  Each time you look in the mirror, you'll find something else beautiful about you.  

"Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed." Psalm 34:5

On The Mend

Good morning, gang! So after only two days I'm finding myself on the mend.  It's amazing what you can do when you excercise a little self discipline.  It's almost like quitting smoking.  You have to really want to.  You have to pass the point of apathy and focus on the healing.  It's more than just a physical healing, I've noticed.  I almost feel more whole.  I have found that I can look in the mirror without cringing.  I can go to bed without covering myself in bandaids.  I hope I can encourage you to desire what is best for you.  You have to know that what you are doing isn't good for you.  There are so many negatives with this disorder, so many bad things can happen.  Infections can set in, serious scars can form....you are drastically altering your body.  Think of all the better things you can do to yourself, for yourself, and by yourself.  And hey, please stop, and think about this, for me.  Do you like you?


26 October 2011


So today, we are going to try something a little difficult.  Today, try to find something better to do with your time than picking.  Drink water, write in a notebook, play with a rubber band, do something, anything productive, to keep your hands busy, and to keep your mind off of picking at something.  This might be especially hard, if you're like me, and find yourself picking during every idle moment.  Driving in the car, watching TV, laying down in bed.  When my mind and hands have a free second, I want to pick at something.  Today, we aren't going to give our hands that free second.  Good luck!

25 October 2011

Late night whispers from the one who is always listening

Okay, so I'm laying here trying to sleep, and I'm hit with something I haven't thought about in a long time....God knows everything about us.  Every hair on our head, every freckle, every scar.  He not only knows us, but he loves us.  Despite everything, he loves is for us, and he knows everything, even the deepest darkest secrets are known to him.  How blessed and treasured we are.  Good night, friends!

Strong Enough

You fought but you were just too weak 
So you lost all the things you try to keep 
Now you're on your knees
You're on your knees

But wait everything can change 
In a moments' time 
You don't have to be afraid, 
'Cause fear is just a lie 
Open up your eyes 

And He'll break open the skies to save 
Those who cry out his name 
The ones the wind and waves obey 
Is strong enough to save you 

Look now is not too late 
Lift up your head 
Let the rain fall on your face 
You're not far from grace
You're not too far from grace 

I know the weight of this world can take you down like gravity
I know the current of yourself can take you out, out to sea
But hold on
Hold on 

Well.....how did it go?

They say the average thought only lasts for about three seconds.  Think of just how short that is.  Those three seconds are so short, but the thought that appears in those three seconds can drastically change you.   I know with me, I have a split second thought, an instant urge to pick at something.  Today, what I tried to do was catch that thought, and count to ten.  The majority of the time, by the time I finished counting, the urge to pick, the thought of "I really want to pick at this and make it go away", was completely gone.  Granted, I did do a lot of counting throughout the day, but hey, my face looks better.

Today I'm reminded of 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.  (Whatchristwantsyoutoknow.com)

So keep on going, my friends. He will never leave you, nor forsake you.

All in Love,

The truth is...

You can be so much more than this.  You can look in the mirror without wincing.
You can go to bed without being covered in bandaids.
You don't have to talk to new people with your hands in front of your face.
You don't have to wear gloves when you're watching TV.
You don't need to be embarassed.
You don't need to be bloody.
You can just be you.

24 October 2011


OK, I know as of now it's only me reading this, but I'm going to do it anyway.  So for today, I'm trying to focus on a way to change my thought patterns.  Today, whenever I think I need to pick at something, I am going to stop and count to ten.  Who's with me?  

Well Hello!

Hi everyone.  I'm Liz.  This blog is for anyone who has a bad habit that they just can't seem to kick.  Me, I've been picking at my skin for as long as I can remember.  I hope through this blog, we can all help each other.  A little encouragement goes a long way, and I know that's something I've needed lots of for a long time now.  I don't know why I do it, and I guess that's kind of the point of this blog.  Together, lets figure this thing out.  We can be stronger than this, its just a matter of wanting to be.  So please, follow my blog, we will share our ups, and our downs, our progress, and our disappointments.  Won't you join me?  It's going to be a wild ride.